A Century of Healthcare Transformation

医学校友会百年庆 设100万元助学金供国大生申请

By 早报许翔宇

发布 /2023年12月24日 

医学校友会配合创会100周年出版纪念特刊《医疗领域百年变迁》(A Century of Healthcare Transformation)。特刊主编吴安全(右)和副编吴祖云在新加坡中央医院学院路的医学校友会会所前,展示新出版的特刊。(特约摄影陈福洲)

配合创立100周年,本地历史最悠久的大专学府校友组织——医学校友会(Medical Alumni Association),筹集100万元设立助学金,资助新加坡国立大学有需要的医科、牙科、药剂以及护理科系本科生。



医学校友会的成员早年来自爱德华七世医学院(King Edward VII College of Medicine)、马来亚大学和新加坡大学医疗科系,后期也包括国大医科、牙科、药剂科和护理科系毕业生。


校友会估计,从1905年至今,本地医学院培养的毕业生约有2万人。这个校友组织目前有超过1000名成员,在医疗社群中被直呼为“校友会”(Alumni Association),在新马皆有会所。


校友会向来致力支持本地医疗教育和毕业生。在上个月举办的百年会庆晚宴上,校友会宣布捐赠100万元给国大设立“校友会百年庆助学基金”,并发布《医疗领域百年变迁》(A Century of Healthcare Transformation)纪念特刊。这本400多页特刊追溯一个世纪以来本地医疗教育的发展,以及校友会早期如何发挥影响力改善政策。



医学校友会在百年庆特刊中刊登不少珍贵的历史照片,包括这张由校友会收藏,摄于1912年至1913年之间的旧照片。照片显示当年的马来亚联合邦布政司布罗克曼(E L Brockman,前排右二)、新加坡辅政司威尔金森(R J Wilkinson,前排右三),与本地富商陈笃生孙子、马来亚橡胶种植业先驱陈齐贤(前排左二)合照。陈齐贤以父亲之名捐建医学楼陈德源大厦。与他们同框的包括第一所医科学校首几届毕业生,如第一届毕业、早年领导社会对抗抽鸦片陋习的陈树楠医生(后排右二)。后排右一是陈树楠的学弟安藤公三(Kozo Ando),他在日治时期是掌管本地民用医疗服务的一名医疗官。(医学校友会提供)


日治期间管理医院和公卫实力获证明 本地医生战后争取同酬





马来亚大学成立 医学校友会是推手


发布 / 2023年12月24日 7:31 PM

爱德华七世医学院与前莱佛士学院(Raffles College)在1949年合并,成立马来亚大学。(档案照片)


吴安全指出,校友会首届会长陈树楠医生,以及被称为“新加坡病理学之父”的尚穆加那特纳姆(Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam)医生(总统尚达曼的父亲)等杰出校友,是倡议殖民地政府成立新马第一所大学的其中重要推手。爱德华七世医学院与前莱佛士学院(Raffles College)在1949年合并,成立马来亚大学。

此外,校友会早年也定期举办临床和病理学会议和出版期刊,推动医疗工作者不断学习和提升专业水平。直到新加坡医药协会(Singapore Medical Association)在1959年成立,肩负起与政府接洽及各项专业功能后,校友会才成为一个主要联系校友与医疗社群的组织。













1928年:莱佛士学院(Raffles College)成立,提供人文以及科学教育。







Medical Alumni Association Centennial Celebration: Establishes $1 Million Bursary Fund for NUS Students

By Zaobao Koh HsiangYu

Published / December 24, 2023

The Medical Alumni Association has published a commemorative special issue titled "A Century of Healthcare Transformation" to mark its 100th anniversary. Chief editor Raymond Goh (right) and deputy editor Jeffrey Goh display the newly published special issue in front of the Medical Alumni Association clubhouse on College Road at Singapore General Hospital.

(Special photographer Chen Fuzhou)

In celebration of its 100th anniversary, the Medical Alumni Association, Singapore's oldest tertiary education alumni organization, has raised $1 million to establish a bursary fund. This fund will support undergraduate students in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who are in need of financial assistance.

Singapore's first medical school was established in 1905, and its graduates founded the Alumni Association in 1923.

With the development of local medical education and evolving societal needs, this school underwent several name changes and later merged with other institutions, gradually evolving into today's National University of Singapore.

The Medical Alumni Association's members initially came from the King Edward VII College of Medicine, the University of Malaya, and the medical departments of the University of Singapore. Later, it also included graduates from NUS's medical, dental, pharmacy, and nursing departments.

In recent years, the association has also accepted graduates from the Duke-NUS Medical School and the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at Nanyang Technological University. Medical professionals who graduated from overseas institutions and work locally have also been allowed to join in recent years.

The association estimates that local medical schools have trained about 20,000 graduates since 1905. This alumni organization currently has over 1,000 members and is simply referred to as the "Alumni Association" in the medical community. It has clubhouses in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Publication of "A Century of Healthcare Transformation" Commemorative Special Issue

The Alumni Association has always been committed to supporting local medical education and graduates. At the centennial celebration dinner held last month, the association announced a donation of $1 million to NUS to establish the "Alumni Association Centennial Celebration Bursary Fund" and released a commemorative special issue titled "A Century of Healthcare Transformation." This 400-plus page special issue traces the development of local medical education over a century and how the Alumni Association exerted influence to improve policies in its early years.

Local tomb hunter Raymond Goh (59 years old) is the chief editor of the centennial celebration special issue. He points out that the medical school has produced many talented alumni, including Singapore's second President Benjamin Sheares, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and local medical authorities such as Professor Arthur Lim Siew Ming, founding director of the Singapore National Eye Centre, and Professor Chao Tzee Cheng, a forensic and pathology expert.

Raymond Goh emphasizes that the Medical Alumni Association has made significant contributions in the past to advancing the career development of local medical professionals and representing them in the fight for fair treatment.

The Medical Alumni Association has published many precious historical photos in the centennial celebration special issue, including this old photo from their collection taken between 1912 and 1913. The photo shows the Chief Secretary of the Federated Malay States, E.L. Brockman (second from right, front row), the Colonial Secretary of Singapore, R.J. Wilkinson (third from right, front row), and the grandson of local tycoon Tan Tock Seng, Tan Chay Yan (second from left, front row), a pioneer of the Malayan rubber planting industry. Tan Chay Yan donated to build the medical building Tan Teck Guan Building in his father's name. Also in the photo are some of the first graduates of the first medical school, such as Dr. Chen Shu Nan (second from right, back row), who led the society in combating the opium smoking habit in the early years. On the far right of the back row is Kozo Ando, Chen Shu Nan's junior, who was a medical officer in charge of local civilian medical services during the Japanese occupation. (Photo provided by the Medical Alumni Association)

It turns out that although local medical graduates were listed in the British Medical Council's register of practicing doctors in 1916, their professional level was still considered "second-class" by the colonial government. Their salaries, positions, and promotion opportunities were not as good as those of doctors trained in Britain or Europe.

Local Doctors Prove Their Capability in Managing Hospitals and Public Health During Japanese Occupation, Fight for Equal Pay After War

During the Japanese occupation, British and European doctors were captured by the Japanese army, but this also allowed local doctors to take on leadership roles in hospital management and public health, proving their capabilities.

Raymond Goh says that after World War II, the Alumni Association fought for equal treatment of locally trained doctors with foreign doctors. In 1947, the colonial government's medical service abolished the distinction between foreign and locally trained doctors, becoming a pioneer that other public services emulated at the time.

Those interested in donating to the Medical Alumni Association Centennial Celebration Bursary Fund can visit 


Medical Alumni Association Plays a Key Role in Establishing the University of Malaya

by Koh Hsiang Yu

Published / December 24, 2023 7:31 PM

The King Edward VII College of Medicine and the former Raffles College merged in 1949 to form the University of Malaya. 

The Medical Alumni Association played an important role in promoting the establishment of the University of Malaya.

Raymond Goh points out that the association's first president, Dr. Chen Shu Nan, and distinguished alumni such as Dr. Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam (father of President Tharman), known as the "Father of Pathology in Singapore," were among the important advocates urging the colonial government to establish the first university in Singapore and Malaya. The King Edward VII College of Medicine and the former Raffles College merged in 1949 to form the University of Malaya.

In addition, the Alumni Association also regularly held clinical and pathological conferences and published journals in its early years, promoting continuous learning and professional development among medical workers. It was not until the Singapore Medical Association was established in 1959, taking on the responsibilities of liaising with the government and various professional functions, that the Alumni Association became primarily an organization connecting alumni with the medical community.

Raymond Goh (not in the picture) who is also a member of the Medical Alumni Association, has enriched the history of Singapore's first medical school through artifact excavation in recent years. In 2014, he and his brother Charles Goh (front) discovered a wall of the women's mental hospital with over a hundred years of history within the grounds of the Singapore General Hospital, which was also the original site of the first medical school. (Archive photo)

Original Site of Singapore's First Medical School Located Within Singapore General Hospital Grounds

The following year, Raymond Goh also found the tombstone of Chinese community leader Tan Jiak Kim (1859-1917) in the Chua Chu Kang Cemetery. Tan Jiak Kim was a pioneer in leading the fundraising for the first medical school.

When the Alumni Association asked him to compile the centennial celebration special issue, Raymond Goh readily agreed.

He points out that early medical graduates were grateful for the opportunity to be trained as doctors. They invested a lot of time and energy in improving society and elevating the medical standards of our country. The Alumni Association hopes to pay tribute to these medical pioneers through this book.

The First Medical School as the "Ancestor" of NUS

The inheritance relationship between the National University of Singapore and the first local medical school established in 1905:

1905: The Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School is established.

1913: The school is renamed the King Edward VII Medical School, becoming the first higher education institution in Singapore.

1921: The school is upgraded to the King Edward VII College of Medicine.

1928: Raffles College is established, providing education in humanities and sciences.

1949: Raffles College and the King Edward VII College of Medicine merge to form the University of Malaya, the first university in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya.

1955: Nanyang University is established

1962: The Singapore division of the University of Malaya becomes an autonomous institution and is renamed the University of Singapore.

1980: The University of Singapore and Nanyang University merge to form NUS.

A Century of Healthcare Transformation

ISBN : 978-981-18-8600-3 (9789811886003)

Published by the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of Medicine and the Faculties of Medicines, Universities of Malaya and Singapore and the National University of Singapore

Copyright @Alumni Association 2023

The Alumni Association
2 College Road
Singapore 169850

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